
The Show Hub is your go to spot for anything Nutcracker related. It will be the number one place to go if you have any questions.
We will be utilizing our Show Hub as our main source of information as we prepare for the show.
What will be in the Show Hub?
All associated links
All email information regarding the Nutcracker
Show Programs
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Add these dates to your calendar so you never miss a beat!
Dress/In-Studio Rehearsals (mandatory) at the Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy - November 15 - 16 (tentative)
Picture Days at Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy - November 15 - 16
Theatre Week - December 16 - 21
Dress/Stage Rehearsal (mandatory) at the Alaska Center for the Performing Arts - December 17 - 19
Nutcracker Performance - December 20 -21

Recital/Production Fee
Recital/Production fees are included in tuition installments for students. Dancers not-enrolled at the Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy will have a $144 production fee due by October 1. They are non-refundable once processed. The production/recital fee covers the rental of the venue and equipment for rehearsals and performances, set/props, any licensing/permits required, staff and labor at the event, including teachers and technical support, and cleaning up after the event. It will also include your performance digital download.

Costume fees are included in tuition installments for enrolled students.
All students in performing classes will require one costume per class they attend. For example, if you take one ballet class and one jazz class, you will need two costumes. All class costumes will be ordered for you and are yours to take home after The Nutcracker.
Costumes will be distributed in class at the teacher’s discretion after costumes have arrived and payment is complete.
It is the students/parents responsibility to ensure care for all costumes pre-show and to transport them to the performance.
Alterations to costumes are the dancer’s responsibility.
Costumes are to be worn during dress rehearsal and will leave with the dancers after the performance.
After the performance, it is the students/parents responsibility to take home any purchased costumes.
All costume pieces (and other belongings) should be labeled with the dancer’s names.
All costume fees are in addition to recital/production fees.
Audition parts will have a costume rental fee of $25 per costume for non-Pre-Professional students.

Chaperones and Backstage Info.
During rehearsals and performances only assigned chaperones will be allowed backstage. There will be chaperones for each class. Chaperones must attend the entire performance and the rehearsals. If you are interested in chaperoning The Nutcracker please complete the Volunteer Request Form. Any concerns regarding the care of the children may be brought to the front desk before the date of the performance. Any parent who cannot respect this policy for any reason may be asked to withdraw their child from the show.
Nutcracker tickets are available on centertix.com. Tickets start at $38.

Picture Days
Dancers should come in costume with hair and make up done. Pictures will be high resolution digital downloads only.
Each dancer will get 2 poses per package: 1 headshot and 1 full pose per package/costume.
Pictures are for Academy classes, not auditioned parts. If you would like to take a picture in an auditioned costumes please contact the front desk to schedule an appointment. Pictures will be available 45 days from when the picture is taken.
Who is performing?
Ballet I - VII
Modern I - IV
Adv. Modern/Jazz/Tap
Jazz I - IV
Tap I - IV
Bitty Bear Ballet, Bitty Bear Tap, Pre-Tap, Hop & Pop. Mini-Modern, Adult classes, and Short Session students do not perform in the Nutcracker.
All Pre-Ballet, Level I and Level II dancers will be in only ONE performance, unless they have auditioned for other parts. Dancers in multiple classes may be in multiple shows. We do our best to try to keep each dancers classes in the same show and with their siblings but it is not always possible.
Dancers who auditioned for parts will be in ALL three shows.
Dancers in Level III and up will perform in ALL three shows (Tap III/IV only performs in 1 show).

Schedules are subject to change. You will be emailed in the event of a scheduling change.
Most choreography is taught during class. Choreography for audition parts is taught in repertoire/rehearsals.