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What to Expect On Your First Day

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

Classes begin on Monday, August 16th! A lot of things have changed this year, but we are still the same ACBA you know and love. Here are some frequently asked questions and important things to know.

1. Are children wearing masks while dancing?

ACBA follows the municipalities' mandate on mask requirements. At the moment, masks are not mandatory but they are HIGHLY encouraged. We would appreciate it if all dancers and parents would wear a mask in class and when in the lobby so we can keep everyone healthy and continue dancing.

2. Can I watch my child’s class?

Dancers ages 6 and below may have 1 parent in the lobby to observe class through the viewing window. Dancers ages 7+ are encouraged to say good-bye at the door.

3. How early can I arrive to class?

We are asking dancers to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the start of class. Dancers should arrive in their uniform with warm up over and a dance bag that has a water bottle and their dance shoes. Please label all of your belongings.

Program students may arrive 15-20 minutes early to warm up for class.

4. What happens during the drop off process?

  1. All outside shoes must be removed in the entryway and left on a shelf. Dancers will put on their dance shoes.

  2. Everyone entering the building should sanitize their hands.

  3. Dancers and their parents will come to the desk and check in.

  4. If registration hasn’t been completed, parents will be given registration paperwork to complete.

  5. Dancers will store all of their personal belonging outside their studi0 (jackets, bance bags, etc.).

  6. Dancers will line up outside of their studio against the wall. Please do not go into the studio without your teacher.

5. What happens during pick up?

  1. Teachers will escort the dancers to the door.

  2. Dancers will collect their belongings and change their shoes in the entryway.

  3. We ask that parents of children 7 and below come into the ballet to pick up their children.

If you are not going to come into the ballet to pick up your children, please step out of your car and wave to help us ensure each dancer goes to the appropriate car.


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