Picture Day will be on Saturday, March 30th +at the Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy. The photo shoot will not affect the regularly scheduled classes. At the shoot, you will have the opportunity to purchase group and individual shots of your child in a variety of photo packages. You may pre purchase photo packages at the front desk. All packages must be paid for at the time of the purchase.
All performing dancers are expected to attend pictures even if they are not purchasing a photo package.
Saturday, March 30th
Ballet I/II (Saturday 1:00)-2:00 pm
Program III/IV-2:15 pm
Program I/II-2:30 pm
Jazz III/IV (Wednesday 6:30)-2:45 pm
Modern III/IV (Wednesday 5:00)-3:00 pm
Hip Hop III/IV (Wednesday 6:30)-3:15 pm
Hip Hop I/II (Saturday 12:00)-3:30 pm
Creative Movement (Saturday 11:00)-3:45 pm
Bitty Bear (Wednesday 5:30)-4:00 pm
Bitty Bear (Friday 4:00)-4:15 pm
Bitty Bear (Saturday 12:00)-4:30 pm
Bitty Bear (Tuesday 10:15)-4:45 pm
Pre Ballet (Tuesday 4:30)-5:00 pm
Pre Ballet (Saturday 11:00)-5:15 pm
Pre Jazz (Tuesday 5:20)-5:30 pm
Modern I/II (Thursday 4:30)-5:45 pm
Ballet II (Tuesday 5:30)-6:00 pm
Ballet I (Monday 6:30)-6:15 pm
Ballet II (Monday 4:30)-6:30 pm
Jazz I/II (Friday 6:15)-6:45 pm
Jazz I/II (Monday 5:30)-7:00 pm
Ballet III (Tuesday 6:15)-7:15 pm
Ballet III/IV (Thursday 6:00)-7:30 pm