DATES TO REMEMBER July 6-10 Princess Dance Camp July 13-17 Carnival of the Animals Dance Camp July 20-Aug 7 Summer Ballet Intensive August 8 Dance Under the Midnight Sun August 24 Fall Classes Begin
PAYMENT DATES July 6 Carnival of the Animals Camp Autopay July 15 Summer Ballet Intensive Autopay

Summer Ballet Intensive
SBI begins July 20th through August 7th! We will end the intensive with the Dance Under the Midnight Sun performance. Our three-week Summer Ballet Intensive is for the dancer who is looking to excel upon, improve and strengthen their technique. Registration for SBI is currently open. Early registration is recommended as we only have a few spots left!
Summer Camps
ACBA is offering week-long, themed summer dance camps to dancers aged 3-8. The camps are for Monday through Friday from 9:30am-12:00pm. Each camp will include snacks, crafts, dance classes, and a mini performance on Friday. Camps have very limited spots available. Autopay for the camps will be taken out the Monday prior to the first day of their camp.
Summer Session
The 2020 Summer Session ends July 10th. Classes will be held in the studio for Pre Ballet, Ballet I/II, Intermediate/Advanced, and Pointe. Pointe classes are available by teacher recommendation only. Class sizes are extremely limited, so registration is recommended.

Keeping Safe During COVID-19
We are doing everything we can to keep our studio as safe as possible during COVID-19. We are limiting class sizes to ensure social distancing, and have set up a hand sanitizing station by the entrance. In between classes we are cleaning the studios and sanitizing the lobby. The lobby is closed, with the exception of business at the front desk, and masks are required in the lobby and waiting areas.
New Studio Policies
We are so excited to finally be in our beautiful new studio location! To keep our new studio as clean as possible we are asking that everyone take off their shoes by the front doors before walking in.
Walk-In Hours
We understand that some parents may want to come in and register their child for classes. The studio will allow for walk-ins between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm. If you would like to come in outside of this time frame please call or email the front desk.
Vote for ACBA
Anchorage Daily News has opened up voting for the Best of Alaska 2020. Go to their website at and vote for the Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy!
Enrollment Packages
ACBA is offering enrollment packages for the fall semester! The packages are $75 and includes tights, shoes, leotard, and a t-shirt. The enrollment packages will be given out two weeks before the start of the fall semester. Fall Registration
Fall classes begin on August 24th. We are limiting class sizes this fall to 8 students per class. Registration is currently open, you can register online through our website or by email. Curtain Call for Class You can now order your child's uniform through our Curtain Call Store. Go to The studio name is Anchorage Classical Ballet Aca; the passphrase is ACBA 1997. Once you have logged on you can find your student's class and order the listed items.
Private/Semi Private Lessons
ACBA will be having private and semi-private lessons upon request. Semi-Private lessons are $50 per dancer for up to four dancers for one hour. Private lessons start at $99 per hour. If you would like to have private or semi-private lessons please contact the front desk.